FENG Yi, Ph.D.

Intelligent Computing Platforms


Research Focus

Fast Radio Bursts, Gravitational Waves, Pulsars

Research Projects

1. Project supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2017YFA0402600)

2. CAS International Partnership Program(Grant No. 114A11KYSB20160008)

3. Project supported by the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. XDB23000000)

4. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11725313)

5. Gravitational Wave Research Program supported by the Major Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11690024)

6.  Project supported by National SKA Program of China (Grant No. 2020SKA0120200)

Research Outcomes

1. Feng, Y., & Krumholz, M. R. 2014, “Early turbulent mixing as the origin of chemical homogeneity in open star clusters”, Nature, 513, 523.

2. Feng, Y., Li, D., Li, Y.-R., & Wang, J.-M. 2019, “Constraints on individual supermassive binary black holes using observations of PSR J1909−3744”, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 19, 178.

3. Feng, Y., Li, D., Zheng, Z., & Tsai, C.-W. 2020, “Supermassive Binary Black Hole Evolution can be traced by a small SKA Pulsar Timing Array”, Physical Review D, 102, 023014.

4. Feng, Y., Hobbs, G., Li, D. et al. 2021, “A single pulse study of PSR J1022+1001 using the FAST radio telescope”, Astrophysical Journal, 908,105.

5.  Feng, Y., Li, D. et al. 2021, “Frequency Dependent Polarization as a Probe of Magneto-ionic Environments of FRBs”, Science, submitted (under review).

6. Wang, W.-Y., Feng, Y., Lai, X.-Y., Li, Y.-Y., Lu, J.-G., Chen, X.-L., & Xu, R.-X. 2018, “The optical/UV excess of X-ray-dim isolated neutron star II. Nonuniformity of plasma on a strangeon star surface”, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 18, 082.

7. Zhu, W.-W., 12 co-authors, Feng, Y., 56 co-authors 2020, “A Fast Radio Burst Discovered in FAST Drift Scan Survey”, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 895, 6.

8. Cameron, A. D., 11 co-authors, Feng, Y., 18 co-authors 2020, “An in-depth investigation of 11 pulsars discovered by FAST”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 495, 3515.

9. Wang, P., 4 co-authors, Feng, Y., 17 co-authors 2020, “FRB121102 is active again as revealed by FAST”, The Astronomer's Telegram, 13959, 1.

10. Zhu, W.-W., 5 co-authors, Feng, Y., 15 co-authors 2020, “FAST detection of radio bursts and pulsed emission from SGR J1935+2154”, The Astronomer's Telegram, 14084, 1.

11.Chen, M.-N., Zhong, Y.-H., Feng, Y., Li, D., & Li, J. 2020, “Machine learning for nanohertz gravitational wave detection and parameter estimation with pulsar timing array”, SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 63, 129511.

12. Wang, S.-Q., 5 co-authors, Feng, Y., 6 co-authors 2020, “The two emission states of PSR B1534+12”, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 902, 13.

13. Li, D., 6 co-authors, Feng, Y., 24 co-authors 2020, “A Bimodal Burst Energy Distribution of a Repeating Fast Radio Burst Source”, Nature, 598, 267.

14. Yao, J.-M., 7 co-authors, Feng, Y., 5 co-authors 2020, “Three-dimensional spin-velocity alignment in the PSR J0538+2817/SNR S147 system”, Nature Astronomy, 5, 788.

15. Zhang, L., 9 co-authors, Feng, Y., 2 co-authors 2020, “Wideband Monitoring Observations of PSR J1803-3002A in the Globular Cluster NGC 6522”, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 905,8.

16. Wang, S.-Q., 2 co-authors, Feng, Y., 7 co-authors 2021, “A single pulse study of a millisecond pulsar PSR J0621+1002”, Astrophysical Journal, 913, 67.

17. Niu, C.-H., 14 co-authors, Feng, Y., 8 co-authors 2021, “CRAFTS for Fast Radio Bursts Extending the dispersion-fluence relation with new FRBs detected by FAST”, Astrophysical Journal Letters,909,8.

18. Xu, H., 5 co-authors, Feng, Y., 4 co-authors 2021, “FAST detection and localization of FRB20201124A”, The Astronomer's Telegram, 14518, 1.

19. Goncharov, B., 19 co-authors, Feng, Y., 8 co-authors 2021, “On the Evidence for a Common-spectrum Process in the Search for the Nanohertz Gravitational-wave Background with the Parkes Pulsar Timing Array”, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 917,19.

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